HSL Properties was listed one of the donors who helped Tucson’s TSA employees affected by the government shutdown.
Citi Foundation: The Citi Foundation awarded Chicanos Por La Causa a $250,000 grant from the foundation’s 2018 Youth Workforce Fund. The purpose of the fund is to promote a national initiative that supports community organizations in key cities across the United States to expand programs and connect low-income youth to a range of employment opportunities.
Community Foundation of Southern Arizona: $4,600 in fuel cards were donated to TSA employees at Tucson International Airport. The employees were affected by the federal shutdown, which despite being called off, has resulted in pay delays. The fuel cards were provided through the Community Foundation of Southern Arizona via the Federal Employee Relief Fund. Tucson City Councilman Paul Cunningham secured funding through donations matched by HSL Properties, Finley Distributing, Nova Home Loans, Crest Insurance and O’Reilly Chevrolet.
Wells Fargo: Wells Fargo Holiday Food Bank program provided 12,100 meals to Arizonans in need this season. Customers, community partners and Wells Fargo team members across Arizona joined forces during the holiday season to fight against hunger by contributing to the food bank program that transformed all retail banking branches to food collection sites.